Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Orchestrator: Problems with access to the Orchestrator Console after SP1 Upgrade?

Well..  Orchestrator SP1 has been around the block for a while now and I came across a weird thing the other day.

The customer had a problem with the Orchestrator console in their Runbook environment and  got this message when trying to access the web console remote.

So I logged on to the Webservice Server (locally) and tested again..


Still no go...

It seemed like I did not have access to the directories. So I opened the IIS console and selected the
"Microsoft system center 2012 Orchetsrator Web service" site and selected [basic settings].
In the "Edit Site" I tested the settings to check that the results was valid.

The Test Connection failed on the Authorization, and saying that the account used could not access the installation directory. (Strange because my installation account has full permissions on the path).

Back in the edit Site again I could see that the "Microsoft system center 2012 Orchestrator Web service" site was linked to the DefaultAppPool and not the system Center Orchestrator Web Feature pool. (installed during installation).

So I changed it back to the right Application Pool and did the test.


Now the result was valid for both the tests.

On a remote computer I opened up the Orchestrator Web Console and it worked perfect again.